Second round of investment funding in Regemat 3D
Following the success of the first, we open for a limited time only, a new round. Your investment will fund the continual growth and expansion internationally and prepare an eventual launch in the alternative stock market.
Crowdcube is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV).
Find out how to be a part of Regemat3D
Register in Crowdcube
Complete by entering your name, age, gender, address, tax allowance (only for UK residents) and investment category.
Confirm your email and add information to your profile
You will be evaluated as an investor, able to determine the amount you wish to invest.
Crowdcube will not capture your investment until the day you the round closes and will advise you in advanced to confirm the payment with card.
f you have interest in investing more than €20,000, contact Regemat 3D and we can guide you.
When you arrive here, you will be a part of Regemat 3D; you’ll be ready to receive your certificate of investment.
Register in Crowdcube
Complete by entering your name, age, gender, address, tax allowance (only for UK residents) and investment category.
Confirm your email and add information to your profile
You will be evaluated as an investor, able to determine the amount you wish to invest.
The only form of payment valid for investments less than €20,000.
If you have interest in investing more than €20,000 and you would like to know more about this type of investment, contact Regemat 3D and we can guide you.
When you arrive here, you will be a part of Regemat 3D; you’ll be ready to receive your certificate of investment.
What real customers have to say about us
“Nos asociamos con Regemat 3D en 2016 cuando trajimos la primera bioimpresora a Australia. El sistema es totalmente personalizado y flexible, y el equipo de Regemat ha sido fantástico para comenzar con nuestra investigación sobre la bioimpresión 3D aquí en Sydney“
Carmine Gentile
University of Technology Sydney
“I have had the unique opportunity to collaborate in the development of the Regemat 3D Bioprinter and even small-scale designs have been achieved, but it has been shown that they can be very efficient in solving orthopedic problems at the bone and cartilage level”
Joe Loui Carrillo
Centro de Medicina Regenerativa de Querétaro
“We are using several of their technologies in collaborative projects between Cloud Science and the Laboratory for Biomaterials and Bioengineering of Prof. Diego Mantovani at Laval University (Quebec City, Canada). The customer support is always professional, easy to contact and we value a lot their expertise in tissue engineering and clinical application“.
—Sébastien Meghezi | @ Cloud Lion and Cloud Science
A Trusted Source Among Industry Leaders
28 countries
Regemat has an international presence in 28 countries across 5 continents. Time and time again clients trust our technology to complete their goals.
Annual Revenue:
2019: €682,962
2020: €893,081
This round finalizes 04/25/2022.